Some of the uber geeks say Windows XP is better than Vista or 7. While I find Windows 7 to be perfectly usable, I can see where they’re coming from. There are a lot of features that were removed in Vista to make it prettier, and it got worse in Seven.
The second thing is going to be appearance. Aero is quite bloated, with huge shadows and a tonne of gloss. You can go back to Classic, but it looks equally crappy because you’ve still got glossy icons. If you have Win7, switch to the Classic theme, it actually looks really bad. You also can’t add background pictures to folders anymore, but few people actually used that.
The third thing, and I actually really miss this, is the ability to customise the toolbar. In Windows XP and below, you could add, remove, and rearrange the icons in Internet Explorer and the file browser all you wanted. This allowed you to tidy it up by removing buttons you don’t use, and add buttons which you do. With Windows Vista and Seven, you have to use their button layout weather you like it or not.
There are also a tonne of other little things as well. Removal of multi-column menus in Start Menu, removal of the Classic login screen, removal of some icon view settings, removal of the “Tour” application (for noobs), and I’m sure much more.
Don’t let this post discourage you from upgrading to Windows 7, because much more was added than removed, and I’m sure Microsoft had a good reason to remove these features, but if there’s any reason to stick with Windows XP, these are them.
My personal view is that XP is far better than 7 or Vista and you never get bored with it but during my 1 year with 7, I got bored. Also, when a PC uses 7 or Vista, due to the high amount of graphics It reduces the life of the motherboard. Also, it becomes unresponsive easily especially on old computers. Also, many drivers are still ot available for Win 7 or Vista. Another annoying thing is the User Account Control. Also, Windows 7 takes some time to start. It takes up a lot of sapce (15 GB ) required for installation itself. Also, it is a slow OS.
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